What does male potency depend on?

what is potency in men

The male body is influenced by many factors. All of them to some extent affect the state of erection.

What the potency depends on is the question that interests many men.

Classification of internal causes

All factors can be divided into several groups:

  • psychological;
  • physiological;
  • constitutional.


The emotional state has a strong influence on the state of a man's erection. The impact in some cases is more pronounced than age, the level of testosterone in the blood and the state of the vessels of the genital organs.

This means: even a young man whose physical parameters are normal can suffer from erectile dysfunction, which has developed against the background of psychological factors.

The main psychogenic reasons affecting potency are:

  1. Stress at work.Problems, troubles in the team, dissatisfaction with their own work often lead to a decrease in libido in the first place. A man who comes home from an unloved job has no craving for intimacy. Solution to the problem: take control of the situation, resolve conflict situations or find a new place of work. If the listed options are not suitable, then you can try to have a hobby in which the man will realize himself. In extreme cases, sedatives will help, which will calm the nervous system.
  2. Misunderstanding in the familyis ​​the second problem. Harmony and respect in family relationships are based on trust between partners. If a man hides his problems from his partner, then the situation is aggravated. The solution lies in a conversation that will help you come to an understanding.
  3. the influence of psychological reasons on potency
  4. The monotony of intimate lifein regular partners leads to a decrease in libido and erectile function. You can diversify sex with a joint trip to an unusual place, new positions, role-playing games, you just need to turn on your fantasy.
  5. Prolonged lack of sexin men leads to psychological problems, which consist in a failure mindset. If the problem does not resolve on its own, then you should contact a specialist - sex therapist for help, as psychogenic erectile dysfunction can form.
  6. Potency in men depends on the woman. A well-groomed, pretty woman with a pleasant appearance and a warm attitude causes arousal much more than an untidy person who constantly scandals.
  7. Depressionis ​​an extreme degree of psychological problems. A man loses interest in life and the world around him, suicidal thoughts appear, fatigue increases, and performance decreases, insomnia, loss of appetite and weight loss torment him. Along with this, an erection disappears. The condition is treated by a specialist with the use of special pharmacological preparations.

Some psychotherapists believe that potency is influenced by the number of sexual partners.

The more short-term relationships a man has, the worse it is displayed on erection.

Psychological problems begin to appear in middle age, when sex "becomes boring" and ceases to be enjoyable.


There are some characteristics of the body that affect male potency.

  1. Overweight. Obesity is characterized by the presence of excess adipose tissue in the body. In addition to provoking the development of many diseases of internal organs, obesity causes an increase in female hormones in the blood. In the cells of adipose tissue, the processes of aromatization of androgens into estrogens take place. Female hormones accumulate and cause even greater obesity, but with localization of deposits on the face and thighs. In the mammary glands, the proliferation of glandular tissue begins, gynecomastia is formed. The voice may become a tone higher. Libido decreases, and the erection becomes not firm enough.
  2. what male potency depends on
  3. Age. Testicular function for testosterone production reaches its peak at the age of 18-30. Up to the age of 18, young men are in puberty, which is characterized by the development of genitals and secondary sexual characteristics. From the moment of maturation until the age of 30, testosterone levels are at their highest in the blood of healthy men. From the age of 30, the function of the testicles gradually, very slowly, begins to fade. After 50 years, androgens become half as much as 25 years. The potency of a man directly depends on testosterone. The hormone stimulates the growth, development and normal functioning of the genitals, normalizes spermatogenesis, is responsible for body hair growth, tone of voice and muscle growth, and also increases libido. In old age, problems with erection begin precisely due to the decrease in androgens.
  4. Genetic predisposition.The state of potency is inherited, like the size of the penis. If the father and grandfather have excellent potency in old age, then the son and grandson are more likely to have the same.
  5. Hypogonadismis ​​an insufficient level of testosterone in the blood. There are many reasons. These are congenital anomalies in the structure of the testicles, toxic damage, infectious, radiation. Pituitary hypogonadism is also isolated when there are problems with the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones by the pituitary gland.

Constitutional factors are the most difficult to adjust. A correct lifestyle, the use of foods that stimulate potency, and weight loss can help restore erectile function.

For genetic diseases and testicular disease, treatment is based on testosterone replacement.


physiological reasons for the deterioration of potency

The largest group of factors influencing potency.

  1. Bad habits. Smoking is the most harmful for potency. A single smoked cigarette delivers a dose of nicotine sufficient to spasm blood vessels throughout the body for fifteen minutes. Suffer, including the vessels feeding the pelvic organs. Smoking more than five cigarettes a day leads to a decrease in potency by fifty percent compared to the norm. Drinking alcoholic beverages in moderation has a beneficial effect on erection, as vasodilation occurs, making it easier to fill the penis with blood. If a man suffers from alcoholism, this negatively affects the erection, and primarily on the libido. Against the background of craving for alcohol, attraction to women disappears.
  2. Sports activitiesaffect potency in different ways. Swimming, running, yoga increase and stimulate erection. Cycling negatively affects testosterone synthesis due to prolonged squeezing of the testicles. Excessive barbell exercises lead to the appearance of intervertebral hernias, which infringe on the vessels and nerves that go to the pelvis, which can also cause erectile dysfunction.
  3. Regular Sex Life. Each has a different frequency of intercourse over a certain period of time. You don't need to do violence to yourself in order to prove your super-macho partner to your partner. Excessive sexual activity can lead to problems with libido in the future.
  4. The rate of intercourse.Scientists consider the normal number of intercourse in men from twenty-five to forty-five years from 1 time per week to 1 time per day. The average number of intercourse per week is three times. But this indicator is individual . .
  5. the influence of nutrition on male potency
  6. Nutritionhas a pronounced effect on erectile function. Consuming products that increase masculine strength will prevent future problems. Abuse of fried, fatty, fast food provokes an increase in blood cholesterol and the development of atherosclerosis by the pelvic vessel. This is the problem of defective erection and decreased libido.
  7. Inflammatory diseasesof the genitals, in particular of the prostate gland. Prostatitis causes perineal pain, fever, erectile dysfunction, and difficulty urinating. Treatment of prostatitis should be comprehensive, under the supervision of a urologist, then there is every chance to restore potency.
  8. Diabetes mellitusis ​​a disease that significantly affects male potential. Under the influence of a large amount of glucose in the blood, a pathological change occurs in the vessels and nerves throughout the body. Men with diabetes suffer from lack of sensitivity in the genitals and poor blood circulation in the penis. Treatment is only medication with the participation of a urologist and an endocrinologist.

Environmental Factors

These include:

  • Ecology, which affects primarily the synthesis of testosterone and the level of sexual desire.
  • Professional Features. Problems are usually experienced by those with sedentary jobs. In drivers, a heated seat joins the stagnant processes in the prostate, which also negatively affects the functioning of the genitals. Programmers find it difficult to sit in one position for long periods of time. Men who occupy managerial positions are subject to a decrease in erection, psychogenic problems are added due to stress.

It is impossible to keep in mind and correct all the factors affecting erectile function. The main thing to remember is that what is good for the whole organism is good for male strength.