We will provide techniques that will help you quickly increase potency in men. But you need to start not with advice, but with the causes of erectile dysfunction.
Causes of Sexual Disorders
- Stressful situations, worries.
- Obesity.
- Heart disease (even simple pressure problems can affect your erection in a bad way).
- Sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity.
- Insufficient testosterone levels.
- Injuries to the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine and pelvic region.
- Addictions (smoking or alcohol abuse).
- Age-related changes.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Overwork, lack of sleep.
Ways that will definitely solve the problem
1. Do a simple massage
- if you are worried about the lack of erection, squeeze the genitals at the base (imagine that you are putting on a tourniquet), such squeezing is the main secret of the ancient peoples who were sexually active;
- the grip is done at the time of erection, before you put on the condom;
- you can squeeze a penis with several fingers to provoke an outflow and a sharp flow of blood.

2. Do pelvic gymnastics
Special exercises will ensure a constant blood flow to the intimate organs, which will entail sexual activity and persistent erection. Below is a list of the most effective exercises:
- Squats. This is the standard way in which you raise and lower your body with your hands in front of you.
- While standing, raise your knees closer to your stomach, trying to maintain balance. You can put your hands on your waist.
- Lie on your back and place your palms comfortably on the floor. Start slowly lifting your pelvis as high as possible and lowering it as smoothly as possible, try not to lift your upper body off the floor.
- Lying down horizontally, do the familiar pedaling exercise.
- In a horizontal position, begin to alternately tense and relax the muscles of the perineum, without trying to tense the buttocks area. You will know that you are following the technique correctly if you feel a pleasant warmth in your intimate area.
- Jogging on the spot also improves blood flow and helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system.
How long to do the exercises
Actions are simple and at the same time give a pronounced effect.Beginners can devote only five minutes a day to this, subsequently the time increases to ten minutes. The first results will be in a week, while gymnastics can be performed at any time of the day, it is better to do this before intercourse. The main secret is regularity.
3. Choose the correct position in which blood does not drain from the penis
If you prefer the option when the lady is on top, you may lose an erection at some point, because in this position blood outflow occurs. This is especially true for those who have already reached old age.
This is why practice positions where your torso is upright. For example, you can try the thrilling position where the woman is kneeling and the man is behind her, or the classic version where the man is on top.
4. Kegel training of the pubic-coccygeal zone
The Kegel muscle is the very part that we can strain to hold back urination. It is this muscle that is involved in the erection process, it is it that makes your penis hard.
Here is the importance of this muscle:
- Makes a man hardy during intercourse.
- Responsible for blood flow to intimate organs.
- Allows to increase the concentration of testosterone.
- Sharpens sensations during penetration.
Training this muscle will be useful even for those who have no problems in their intimate life.
Training Features
- Stop urinating in the toilet for a few seconds, then resume it (this will help you remember where the muscle is).
- Make tension and relaxation of this zone anywhere (you won't see it anyway).
- Do not allow your legs or abs to be tense, otherwise your technique will be compromised.

5. Increase blood flow to the penis
Here are some recommendations:
- Breathe in enough air and hold your breath.
- Grasp the base of the penis with your thumb and forefinger.
- Continue not to breathe and at the same time disperse blood throughout the entire area of the penis with smooth finger movements.
- Count to yourself, gradually increasing this time (avoid dizziness and improvement of well-being).
- No need to achieve sexual arousal, just focus on a healthy workout.
- This technique will alert your penis.
6. Use the tiptoe technique
Stand on tiptoes when urinating. This technique was used by the Taoist people, who were famous for their wisdom.
The main nuance is that during this simple exercise, try to keep a straight posture, while urinating, exhale slowly and measuredly. It is also recommended to tighten the gluteal muscles during this movement.
The advantages of this technique are as follows:

- Normalization of kidney function.
- Increase stamina during sex.
- Activation of erectile function.
7. Ejaculate sex less often
It doesn't matter if you masturbate or have sex with a partner - do not bring yourself to orgasm every time. This rule is especially true for men who have already reached the age of 50 - after this age, ejaculation should be achieved as little as possible.
Young people quickly recuperate after each finish and are ready to perform new feats on the love front. The same cannot be said for older men. By the way, following this advice, you will last much longer and will be able to surprise your spouse with high-quality and long-lasting sex.
8. Walk barefoot or use mustard plasters
Foot massage is to activate specific points. You can just walk barefoot on grass or small pebbles, or use mustard plasters. Wet them and apply to your feet, put on woolen socks on top. After 10 minutes, the mustard plasters can be removed, and the legs can be rinsed with cool water and rubbed with a towel. The procedure can be performed immediately before sex, it will fill the lower body with blood, dilate blood vessels, and this is what you need for a reliable erection.
9. Strengthen your abdominal muscles
Trained abdominal muscles are one of the indicators of your endurance. Here are some tips for strengthening them:
- Sit on a chair or small bench.
- Place your hands on your knees.
- Raise your legs slightly.
- Begin to lean back about 45 degrees, then return to the original position.
- Do the exercise every day as many times as you can.
10. Eat certain foods
The following foods increase male libido:
- ginger;
- oily fish;
- ripe bananas;
- citrus;
- chicken breast;
- seafood, especially oysters;
- calf meat;
- walnuts;
- quail eggs.
11. Testicular massage is an excellent remedy for impotence

- This is a sensitive area that stimulates testosterone production.
- If the libido is weak, massage the testicles regularly, every day.
- It is useful to do this during intercourse as well.
- Regular massage can prolong your stamina and be sexually active at any age.
With this technique, you will pleasantly surprise your beloved woman in bed!
12. Take medication
The pills work only with sexual arousal, so you should have a normal libido. They can only be consumed in adulthood.
13. Tinctures and herbs for potency
- Mix the onions with hot water and drink 100 ml of the broth after three hours. Take the product three times a day.
- Grind walnuts with natural honey in equal proportions, take the mixture several times a day instead of dessert.
- Pour 10 g of lungwort with a glass of boiling water, through the tea the infusion will be ready. Spoon several times a day.
- Buy a garlic tincture at a regular pharmacy and take 20 drops twice a day, preferably with food.
- Dissolve the mummy powder in a spoonful of plain water (just take 0. 16 g of the product). Drink in the morning or before bed, preferably on an empty stomach. Within a week you will notice the first results, since the mummy has a powerful tonic effect.
- Folk remedies are great recipes for male strength that do not harm the liver. Make sure you are not allergic to herbs before using them.

14. Don't be afraid of the contrast shower
The alternation of cold and warm water during the water treatment has a beneficial effect on the immune system, general health and reproductive organs. Alternate water for 40 seconds, gradually make it colder, hardening the body. A visit to the bath will also be beneficial, as it improves blood flow in the body.
Important: before practicing regular contrast showers, consult a cardiologist, as temperature changes can adversely affect the state of blood vessels.
15. Limit alcoholic beverages and quit cigarettes
Cigarettes promote vasoconstriction, and alcohol - the production of female hormones. All this has a detrimental effect on sexual function, which means that it is better to abandon bad habits or reduce them to a minimum.
16. Get some rest
Try to get only positive emotions and do not hold your attention on negative situations. Here are some helpful techniques:
- On your free days, try to be alone with yourself, you can get out of the city into nature, to a quiet and cozy place.
- Avoid quarrels and do not provoke conflicts yourself.
- Resolve disagreements with your partner in time, constant conflicts in a couple do not have the best effect on an erection.
- Reconsider your surroundings, especially if you are often nervous. Try to surround yourself only with optimists, avoid close contact with people who see everything in a negative light.
- You should not communicate with people who constantly complain about their life and take away your positive energy. If you feel that after talking with a friend your mood is constantly getting worse, you feel depressed and tired, it is better to limit contact with such a person.

These are the basic techniques that will help you become the owner of persistent potency at home. You can use such advice without a doctor's prescription, because they are completely safe.