A man who wants not to have problems with potency, to be healthy, thinks about healthy offspring, must observe correct, balanced, healthy nutrition. After all, the products used act completely on the entire body, including the genitals.

It is worth noting that food containing a large amount of fats, simple carbohydrates, various harmful substances (for example, preservatives, dyes), may at any time in their life face a deterioration in potency. Very often, problems with male sexual power negatively affect the relationship between a man and a woman. In order not to contribute to the emergence, development of this ailment, you simply need to give preference to healthy nutrition, include in the diet foods rich in minerals, proteins, minerals.
The right diet for good potency
First of all, you need to figure out what minerals and vitamins are needed by the body of every man without exception? Healthy foods will be those that primarily contain calcium, selenium, zinc and magnesium. Among the vitamins necessary for representatives of a strong half of humanity, there are such as D, E, A, C, group vitamins, in particular B9, B6, B3, B1. They can be obtained as a result of eating various types of meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables.
Note that even if a man does not have any problems with potency, you still need to observe proper nutrition, because it will act as an excellent prevention of all kinds of violations regarding the activity of the genital organs and the whole body as a whole. Also, useful products, which we will talk about in the future, will help to significantly increase potency, prolong and improve the quality of intercourse.
What foods increase potency?
Seafood has a beneficial effect on men. It is necessary to eat mussels, oysters, crayfish, shrimp. Among the most useful seafood, mackerel and flounder are distinguished. It is recommended to boil, stew or bake the fish. It is not recommended to fry it.
Nuts, honey
Pistachios, pine and walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts are very necessary for males. They contain a lot of protein, vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B3, PP, C, folic acid, a large number of trace elements, the main of which are zinc, copper, iron, iodine, fluorine, cobalt, sodium, and others. A very good way to stimulate, increase potency is a mixture of nuts with the addition of natural bee honey. By the way, it is worth noting that instead of nuts, you can combine and mix honey with sunflower seeds, prunes. Such a miracle cure should be consumed about 3 hours before bedtime.
Honey plays an important role for potency. You will learn the properties and recipes
As for honey, it is a very useful product for every person, especially for men. True, this product has such a contraindication as an allergy to it and other beekeeping products. Honey contains vitamins such as B9, B6, B5, B3, B2, C. The main trace elements are calcium, iron, zinc, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium.
Onions, garlic, meat for potency
Meat without a doubt should be included in the diet. It contains a lot of protein, vitamins A, E, B, PP, D. Meat contains a fairly large amount of potassium, sodium, zinc, iron, cobalt, magnesium. Onions and garlic are of great benefit to the man's body, including its potency. They contribute to a significant increase in sex drive. Garlic and onions help people fight coughs, colds, runny nose, headaches, flu, and many other ailments.
These products also contain phytoncides, that is, substances that contribute to the destruction of pathogens. Therefore, in the absence of contraindications, garlic and onions must be consumed without fail. Onions, garlic help increase blood flow to the genitals, improve the production of testosterone - the main male sex hormone. They are often advised as a preventive measure for a disease such as prostatitis.
The healthy foods that should be included in the diet include quail and chicken eggs. To get all vitamins for potency, trace elements that are present in eggs, they should be consumed raw. These products are rich in vitamins A, B, K, D, E. If we talk about trace elements, they include phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium, zinc. You need to know that the positive quality that is inherent in raw quail eggs is their ability to lower cholesterol levels.

Also, their advantage lies in the low likelihood of developing salmonellosis. Poor quality chicken eggs increase the risk of acquiring this disease. Every man who eats raw eggs should remember that they will be beneficial, will have a beneficial effect on potency, if they are fresh, of high quality.
Dairy Products
Dairy products are rich in trace elements, lacto- and bifidobacteria, vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the general health and sexual function of the stronger sex. First of all, it contains calcium and magnesium, which provide good potency.
It is very useful for men to use milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese. There is one very good remedy that is recommended for men. The cooking method is already very simple. You need to take cottage cheese, pour milk over it, mix thoroughly. Such a folk remedy will contribute to better arousal, saturate the body with a sufficiently large amount of trace elements, vitamins, beneficial bacteria.
Condiments, herbs
Very useful products for improving potency in men are various spices, as well as herbs. Among the spices that have a beneficial effect on potency, cumin, thyme, thyme, anise are distinguished. They can be added to your favorite dishes, making the taste richer and more aromatic. Greens are essential for male sexual health. You need to use parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, celery. It is important to remember that all foods will have a positive effect only if the person is not allergic to them.
Harmful products for potency
To prevent the occurrence, development of problems with potency, you must, first of all, give up products that have a negative effect on a man's erection. There are quite a few of them in our daily diet. For example, if we talk about drinks, they include all kinds of alcoholic, sugary carbonated drinks. It is worth noting that men often drink alcohol in order to get more excited, become more self-confident, and relax.
But the frequent use of alcohol threatens them with an excessive load on the cardiovascular system, on the liver, especially on potency. As a result, there will be a mass of diseases that will have to be treated for a long time and persistently if they are amenable to therapy. If we talk about frequent drinking of coffee, it can contribute to erectile dysfunction. Of course, small doses, sparse use are sometimes even beneficial.
We must not forget that everything is very individual. It is better to take care of yourself, eat and drink certain foods in moderation. Do not abuse sausages, sausages, all kinds of semi-finished products, instant food. All these products contain preservatives, other substances harmful to the body, in particular for potency.

Men are advised not to overdo it with pasta, various cereals, other foods rich in carbohydrates.
Undoubtedly, the body needs carbohydrates, but in moderation, and they do not increase potency. Instead of white bread, it is best to give preference to dark varieties. White bread, consumed in large quantities, promotes rapid weight gain, as a result of this, problems with potency can easily appear. It is recommended to limit the amount of sweets, because they contain a sufficiently large amount of sugar, which can cause diabetes. As you know, this disease is included in the list of the main factors provoking a decrease in potency.
In order not to have any problems with potency, men are advised to get enough sleep, avoid excessive physical exertion, go to the hospital in time to see a doctor if any suspicious symptoms arise, use healthy foods, the effect of which we have just discussed in detail. You should not allow violations of potency, you need to identify the cause of the disease as soon as possible, and start treatment. We wish every man to give preference to a healthy lifestyle, not to get sick!