Sharing the secrets of partner satisfaction and practices to help stimulate the G-spot
Most people know where the pleasure zone of women is and how to act on it. However, as soon as it comes to male physiology, women, and men themselves, get lost . . . Finding the G-spot in men is easier than you think.
Point G - Where is

It seems almost impossible to find it, but it is not. It is very easy to find it, for this, you need to know the physiology or read this article. The male G-spot is near the prostate. The prostate is located between the testicles and the anus. Some even have orgasms from prostate stimulation. The fact is that many nerve fibers pass through it. Stimulating them makes the blood move faster to the penis. It is a sensitive area that responds quickly to touch, causing erection in men. Many people do not know about the G-spot in men and limit their partner to another pleasure.
How to stimulate the G-spot
You can squeeze, massage this place between the anus and the testicles. To give your partner pleasure, use a lubricant for the massage - it will enhance glide and additionally give pleasant warmth from your partner's hands. This will give you even more fun, so don't forget about the special tool.

The movements should not be sharp and squeezing, but smooth and progressive - move your fingers in the direction from the anus to the scrotum and back, in addition, with a slight pressure, stimulate the area with circular movements. You can achieve the greatest effect if you insert two fingers into your partner's anus and feel the prostate gland - it is located on the front wall of the rectum, about 4-5 cm from the entrance. True, it is highly likely that a man will not agree to such an experiment. They are afraid that they will be “accused” of homosexuality.
If the partner nevertheless agrees to an unusual massage, then before the introduction you need to make sure that the nails are of that length so as not to injure the man, the fingers are generously lubricated with lubricant - it is absolutely harmless to the body. Stimulate the prostate with similar movements. Some girls advise to combine massage with oral sex to make the man feel as comfortable as possible.
Why is G-spot stimulation useful?
After 35 years, in some men, the prostate swells, enlarges, presses on the bladder from both sides. There is a problem with urination. This should not be neglected because prostate problems greatly affect sexual function. Men who have a slightly enlarged prostate, suffer from decreased libido, erectile dysfunction and ejaculation, and receive less pleasure from their sex life. Massaging the prostate helps reduce the risk of developing a tumor that will remove the prostate gland. It is better to avoid this in order not to damage the nerve fibers, which, as we noted above, are abundant in this zone. It happened that the removal of the tumor led to a violation or complete loss of erection. It is also good for the prostate to eat cranberries.
As you can see, the G-spot in men is not a myth. Prostate massage is useful not only for partner satisfaction, but also for maintaining his health. It is important to regularly examine the reproductive system in order to notice violations in time and eliminate them before it comes to the help of a surgeon.